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Study and implement the overall concept of national security, dare to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national security

Jul. 09, 2024

2024 is the 10th anniversary of the overall national security concept introduced creatively by general secretary, Xi Jianping. April 15 will mark the ninth National Security Education Day for all,  the theme of this year's event is 10th Anniversary of the overall national security concept and innovation leadership.

Zhejiang Kangle New Energy Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to the study and implementation of the overall national security concept of all employees, resolutely respond to the call of the state, and bravely shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national security. In the company, we through a variety of forms of training and advocacy, so that every employee can deeply understand the significance of national security, and it runs through the daily work.

Firstly, we should establish a correct concept of national security and realize that national security is not only a military and political issue, but also covers many fields such as economy, science and technology, and ecology. Therefore, while promoting the development of enterprises, we must always pay attention to the security risks of the industry and contribute to national security with practical actions.

Second, we should strengthen our awareness of potential dangers and prepare for danger in times of peace. In the context of globalization, the international situation is becoming increasingly complex and volatile. We need to be keenly aware of potential security risks and enhance our ability to respond to crises. At the same time, focus on strengthening internal and external communication and coordination of enterprises to form a strong force to jointly safeguard national security.

Thirdly, implement the safety production responsibility system to ensure that the safety problems in the production process of enterprises are solved in time. We will increase our investment in the research and development of automation equipment and technology, and strive to reduce the possibility of accidents and protect the life and property of every employee.

Finally, Zhejiang Kangle New Energy Co., Ltd. will focus on the overall national security concept, unswervingly fulfill social responsibilities, and create a good environment for the stable development of enterprises. We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of all members, we will open up a new era of greater prosperity.

Study and implement the overall concept of national security, Dare to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national security

Study and implement the overall concept of national security, Dare to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national security

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