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Kangleda cool off in summer

Aug. 24, 2024

In recent years, Kangleda has continued to prepare mung bean soup, tremella soup and other cool drinks for employees in summer, and has been prepared with anti-heat drugs, which fully demonstrates the company's great importance to the health and well-being of employees.

With the gradual rise of summer temperatures, the high temperature weather has brought no small challenge to the work and life of employees. In order to effectively cope with the high temperature environment and protect the health of employees, the company's labor union has taken active measures, including preparing cool drinks.

Tremella soup and mung bean soup, as traditional summer cooling drinks, not only taste refreshing, but also have the effect of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, promoting fluid and quenching thirst, which is very suitable for drinking in high temperature weather. The company regularly prepares these drinks for employees, which can not only help employees replenish water and nutrition in time, but also effectively alleviate the discomfort caused by high temperature, and improve employees' work efficiency and comfort.

The care initiative, which has lasted for many years, not only reflects the company's deep care for employees, but also highlights the company's people-oriented corporate culture. It is helpful to improve the satisfaction and happiness of employees and promote the long-term and stable development of enterprises. At the same time, such a corporate culture will also attract more outstanding talents to join, and inject new vitality and motivation for the future development of the company

Kangleda cool off in summer

Kangleda cool off in summer

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